Friday, October 21, 2016

Blog Post 6- Photographer for Emulation

Stephan Shore

       I like Stephan Shores pictures mainly because of how simple they all are. It seems that none of the pictures are staged, or set up. The shots are of things in its natural state, and could be like that in any given day. Shore has two different collections that I really liked named "Uncommon places" and "American Surfaces". These first five pictures are from Uncommon places and the last picture is from American Surfaces.
       Both collections, I would say, are very similar in subject. They are both simple pictures, mainly street photography and I think I would be able to get similar pictures quite easily in Boston and the greater Boston area. Something I really like about these pictures is that all of them are probably a very plain and boring location in person, but the photographer has the ability to make it into art.

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